About me

👋🏼 Nice to meet you, I'm Jess

I’m a UX/UI Designer based in Seattle, WA. I enjoy crafting intuitive and enjoyable experiences for businesses and their users. Designing for users strikes a balance between my analytical skills and my creative side.

My passion for design began with a simple project. The task was to create a solution for my engineering team to relay data analytics in the form of a customer facing tool. I learned the value in user-centric design approaches, articulating design decisions, and interpreting customer feedback to further improve user experiences.

Though my professional background did not begin in design, I utilize my past experiences to actively influence my design process. By understanding a variety of industry needs, I am able to create solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also strategically aligned with business objectives.

During my free time, you can find me teaching myself a new skill (currently learning Korean), exploring outdoors with my family, or searching for the best matcha latte. Thanks for stopping by!

Jess is smiling while sitting on a bench